15:02:19 #startmeeting Tor Browser Release Meeting 2024-08-28 15:02:19 Meeting started Wed Aug 28 15:02:19 2024 UTC. The chair is donuts. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:02:19 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 15:02:28 pad is here: https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-browser-release-meeting-keep 15:02:30 o/ 15:02:41 o/ 15:03:08 please go ahead and fill that out while we wait :) 15:06:05 o/ 15:07:25 okay, we have plenty in the pad already 15:07:31 shall we get started anyway? 15:07:59 wfm, at least the news for support people :) 15:08:03 pierov I'm assuming you're the blue-ish color in the pad :) 15:08:14 Yes I am! 15:08:42 aha great 15:08:48 so I'm looking at the upcoming releases in the pad 15:09:00 isn't september 3rd supposed to be a4, not a3? 15:09:08 or has a3 been pushed back? 15:09:08 Yes, a4, sorry 15:09:27 a3 should be todayish? 15:09:30 okay cool, no worries – just wasn't sure if there'd been a change of plans 15:09:36 dan_b: ack, that's great 15:10:12 shall we move straight to the discussion items then? 15:10:21 Yes 15:10:25 awesome 15:10:40 in that case, let's do a quick checkpoint on our progress 15:10:52 pierov would you mind taking over here please? 15:10:58 Sure 15:11:04 ty :) 15:11:20 First stuff: we have some items for championquizzer and nina13 in 13.5.3! 15:11:37 The drag and drop issue should be fixed 15:11:49 \o/ 15:11:55 + we have a pref to completely disable the feature if there are still problems 15:12:15 `browser.filesfilter.enabled`, can be set to false to disable 15:12:42 Then, we have a new subkey for signing releases. If anyone say verification failed, they should fetch the key again 15:13:00 And finally, we're forwarding the progress on the Windows 7 extended release. 15:13:12 We're still waiting to see official communications from Mozilla 15:13:24 But we might publish an unexpected 13.5a10 15:13:43 To test the various updating mechanisms 15:14:10 re. new subkey. thanks for the heads up there! 15:14:22 We might force people to update to the last 13.5.x version before updating to 14.0 when the time comes 15:14:41 aha, I assumed that's what the 13.5a10 was for 15:14:42 So, the update from 13.5 to 14.0 might take two steps for some users 15:15:14 donuts: yep. We want to be sure everything will work as expected, since a broken change in the updater would be catastrophic 15:15:25 right, makes sense 15:16:06 As for the alpha, 14.0a3 is still without Android x86 and x86_64 because of the arbitrary size constraints Google put 15:16:38 We hope to get that fixed for 14.0a4 15:17:09 did the resource removal work we do not get either into range? 15:17:18 It was great 15:17:23 More than 1MB saved! 15:17:48 ah woo 15:17:51 thats progress 15:17:52 I'm guessing that means there will only be two effective alphas for Android x86 and x86_64 before the stable release? 15:17:53 how over were we? 15:18:21 donuts: well, an alpha every week 15:18:34 The x86 and x86-64 numbers are very low 15:18:44 ah okay, that was going to be my next question 15:18:44 I suspect it's mostly people using the emulators 15:18:49 right, gotcha 15:19:26 dan_b: I don't remember, it was still some MB. But removing the GeoIP databases (used only by the circuit display) and Conjure will do the trick for now for x86-64 15:19:56 For x86 32 bit we'll still have about 1MB to shave... But the thing is that we don't know the exact threshold 15:19:58 aaah but dont we want the circuit display soon for android? 15:20:07 No, we want the new circuit for this site 15:20:14 The circuit display won't be a 14.0 things for sure 15:20:21 ah k 15:20:35 Since we still need UX designs for it... which in turn are waiting to decide how to handle conflux 15:20:58 Android priority is new-circuit-for-this-site for 14.0 :) 15:21:07 The backend got merged last week :) 15:21:12 \o/ 15:21:24 coool 15:22:01 I guess my next point would be the discussion on whether we're ready for RC next week 15:22:19 I tend to agree with Dan 15:22:44 I guess we'd need at least the audit to be finished to have an RC? 15:23:07 hrmmm... 15:23:44 I mean, the more feedback the better 15:23:47 would we continue to publish the RC for other platforms? 15:23:50 or delay the entire RC? 15:24:38 I've been dog fooding on desktop and generally speaking it mostly works... But the RC theoretically is something for which we don't need to do many changes, and there are planned for sure 15:24:58 right right 15:25:11 in that case, we would need to take a look at the timeline 15:25:19 and potentially push the stable release back 15:25:29 so we can maintain enough time for two RCs and the alpha testing push 15:25:54 do you think one additional week for RC1 would be sufficient? 15:26:28 I haven't kept track of the audits 15:26:38 yeah, these are more morgan questions aren't they? 15:26:46 Yep 15:27:12 got it 15:27:15 could someone follow up with your glorious leader please, and let me know what yall decide so I can update the alpha testing campaign accordingly? 15:27:17 theres about 16 open android ones 15:27:25 https://gitlab.torproject.org/groups/tpo/applications/-/issues/?sort=updated_desc&state=opened&label_name%5B%5D=14.0%20stable&label_name%5B%5D=Android&search=Review%20Mozilla 15:29:22 this is rapidly turning into a full (i.e. not quick) meeting :D 15:29:51 Well, I'm done. I see there are other points, so happy to pass the mike 15:30:13 ah i was just indicating i'm note confident I'd be done all these in a week 🙂 15:30:21 pierov/dan_b could you resolve this question with morgan directly? 15:30:23 two seems reasonable 15:30:28 sure 15:30:33 and then let me know what happens with regard to the timelines please? 15:30:34 thank you :) 15:30:56 okay anything else for the checkpoint? 15:31:08 donuts: okay, I can check later with Morgan 15:31:16 ty 15:31:24 donuts: there's a point from ma1 I guess 15:31:24 I see some other notes in the pad, but those may just be notes 15:31:53 It wasn't much of a point, just to tell that AMO sent me an email exactly at the beginning of this meeting. 15:32:03 I.e., that NoScript disables lazy loading when JS is disabled, to address fingerprinting concerns someone had in the past with it 15:32:19 right, I remember that issue 15:32:40 ma1: ack :) 15:32:54 NoScript 11.4.35 has just gone in auto-update, so both 14 and 13.5 get interactive delayed loads (both from loading=lazy and css) disabled where scripts are disabled. 15:33:36 (i.e. everything gets loaded together, like in the old good web) 15:33:45 nice 15:34:42 shall I move on to the alpha testing campaign? this should be quick 15:34:51 wfm 15:35:32 Okay I guess the main (unexpected) thing we should highlight is that if RC1 is delayed, the alpha testing campaign will also be delayed accordingly 15:36:05 as it's the intention to launch the campaign immediately after RC1 is published 15:36:21 pointing to morgan's release post for context, and also the page on the Community portal about how to become an alpha tester * 15:36:27 * https://community.torproject.org/user-research/become-tester/ 15:36:49 however in the meantime, I've given Comms a quick heads up that we'd like to do a blast on social when the time comes 15:36:59 nicob will be working on assets to support that effort 15:37:23 and myself, catladyfelicia and championquizzer will be standing by to keep an eye on any feedback that arrives via the forum 15:37:30 although it will likely be pretty light 15:37:39 any questions? 15:38:26 No, seems great, thanks! 15:38:47 (morganava has arrived in the meantime) 15:39:12 :D 15:39:31 do you want to circle back to our questions about the RC1 timelines? 15:39:39 how many RCs are we planning between RC1(14.0a4) and 14 Stable? (sorry if i missed this) 15:39:44 Yes please 15:40:01 championquizzer: one alpha per week, so I guess 2 RCs at least 15:40:12 (the release was planned around mid of September) 15:40:16 ah ok. thanks! 15:41:19 yep 2 RCs at minimum 15:42:05 o/ morganava 15:42:25 it seems unlikely we're going to be ready for RC1 next week, I'll let pierov and dan_b fill you in however 15:43:09 I think we should be done with audits before calling it an RC, and to have mostly no changes planned, or very minimal ones (but we still have) 15:43:23 However, I must say I'm not keeping too much track of GitLab issues 15:43:50 i have about 16 android ones alone so i think i can aim to be done in the 1-2 week range? 15:45:15 Can I help with those dan_b? 15:45:37 https://gitlab.torproject.org/groups/tpo/applications/-/issues/?sort=updated_desc&state=opened&label_name%5B%5D=14.0%20stable&label_name%5B%5D=Android&search=Review%20Mozilla&first_page_size=20 15:45:41 clairehurst: please! 15:45:46 o/ 15:45:54 assign to your self as you take one on! 15:46:28 Cool will do thanks! 15:46:51 * morganava reads backlog 15:47:09 ok yes there are currently 2 RCs planned but we can add more if necessary 15:47:20 we're doing ok in terms of gitlab issues 15:47:37 we've a ton of review tickets left which as pierov suggested we should get throuogh before the first 'official' RC 15:47:44 but fortunately the majority of them are telemetry 15:48:30 i'm going to do a pass on gitlab today and work through some of the less domain-specific reviews 15:49:05 oh, and I did sign 14.0a3 (TB) yesterday and will be publishing after this meeting 15:49:14 and send sign+send MB to mullvad 15:49:23 though last i saw they haven't published 14.0a2 yet 15:51:06 okay cool, so RC would potentially be w/c the 9th or 16th instead 15:51:13 i haven't systemically assigned all of the reviews this year, since there are so many 15:51:16 and stable would be delayed at least 1-2 weeks accordingly? 15:51:20 *RC1 sorry 15:51:33 donuts: seems probable 15:52:15 cool okay, just lmk where things land so I can keep the alpha campaign in sync <3 15:52:35 ok will do 15:53:10 championquizzer: I see you have a couple of notes at the bottom of the pad, are those just notes or something you'd like to mention? 15:53:23 just notes :) 15:54:13 i am scoping for all the user support + documentation related tasks to coincide with the RC1 and alpha testing campaigns 15:55:04 awesome! 15:55:10 okay in that case I think we're done for the day 15:55:32 one last thing: 15:55:43 do we want to continue meeting weekly while we're approaching the endgame/ 15:55:45 *? 15:56:03 donuts: also probably smart 15:56:14 Maybe we can limit it to 30 mins 15:56:28 like donuts was trying to do :D 15:57:14 hahaha 15:57:15 agreed 15:57:25 morganava: as the guardian of the calendar, would you mind making those changes please? 15:57:33 oh you already did! 15:57:34 :D 15:57:40 (also to avoid hydraulic problems in the all-hands transition) 15:57:47 I'll be afk next wednesday (Sept 4) 15:57:53 ma1: 100% 15:58:05 clairehurst: ack 15:58:07 okay I'm gonna put the bot back to sleep 15:58:09 thanks everyone! 15:58:15 #endmeeting