16:01:05 <hiro> #startmeeting network-health 2024-09-02
16:01:05 <MeetBot> Meeting started Mon Sep  2 16:01:05 2024 UTC.  The chair is hiro. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
16:01:05 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
16:01:14 <hiro> https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-nethealthteam-2023-keep
16:01:21 <hiro> our pad ^
16:01:29 <juga> ^ not loading for me
16:02:01 <GeKo> wfm
16:02:05 <hiro> uhm it loads ok for me
16:02:09 <juga> hmm
16:02:13 <hiro> works on my internet ^TM
16:02:56 <hiro> anyway I am catching out on last week... covid free since friday
16:03:22 <juga> nice you recovered
16:03:32 <GeKo> \o/
16:03:36 <hiro> \o/
16:04:30 <hiro> Does any of you  have bold items to discuss? This week we also have a relay ops meetup
16:04:42 <juga> not from my side
16:04:48 <GeKo> one thing to note
16:05:03 <GeKo> https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/network-health/metrics/descriptorParser/-/issues/118
16:05:14 <GeKo> might be good it we can get that investigated/fixed soonish
16:05:24 <GeKo> as that might influence bw inflation work
16:05:43 <GeKo> i found that last week while poking deeper and deeper... :)
16:06:03 <GeKo> s/it/if/
16:06:42 <GeKo> otherwise, nothing too important for me
16:07:01 <hiro> yep I have that as next
16:07:19 <hiro> I am wondering if that is because of the digest being calculated on the bw record
16:07:25 <hiro> or part of it
16:08:05 <juga> i left a comment there
16:08:27 <hiro> thanks
16:08:40 <hiro> moved it to doing so I  can fix it either today or tomorrow
16:08:42 <juga> yrw
16:08:50 <hiro> yrw?
16:08:50 <GeKo> nice
16:09:01 <juga> you are welcome
16:09:04 <hiro> ahhhh
16:09:29 <GeKo> hah, i always thought "you really welcome"...
16:09:43 <juga> hah, maybe
16:09:45 <hiro> I was thinking about unix permissions
16:09:53 <hiro> so I was like read write execute?
16:09:54 <juga> hehe
16:10:02 <GeKo> hiro: looking at the stuff on my plate, i might have time for analysis#67 this week
16:10:02 <tor> Uhm, which one of [tpo/network-health/analysis, tpo/network-health/metrics/analysis] did you mean?
16:10:07 <GeKo> at least a bit
16:10:15 <hiro> ah nice thanks GeKo...
16:10:16 <GeKo> tpo/network-health/analysis#67
16:10:37 <GeKo> i can give it a first stab
16:10:42 <hiro> we also have to finish migrating from sponsors to project, is it ok if I migrate the s122 pad?
16:10:44 <GeKo> and see how it goes?
16:10:48 <hiro> and update the documentation?
16:10:53 <GeKo> yeah, go for it
16:11:09 <hiro> ok just giving you a heads up just in case
16:11:17 <juga> ack
16:11:50 <hiro> ok I do not have much else...
16:12:08 <GeKo> <- is good
16:12:16 * hiro is groot
16:12:21 * juga too
16:12:39 <hiro> I think @ggus follows us holidays cal
16:13:13 <hiro> ok! I'll end the meeting
16:13:18 <hiro> #endmeeting