13:01:35 #startmeeting network-health 2025-02-10 13:01:35 Meeting started Mon Feb 10 13:01:35 2025 UTC. The chair is hiro. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:01:35 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 13:01:48 and here is the pad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-nethealthteam-2025-keep 13:02:25 o/ 13:03:37 metricsdb-02 is ready it seems to start parsing data... so I'd mainly do that this week :) 13:03:54 \o/ 13:03:56 \o/ 13:04:04 finally yeah! 13:04:05 how fast is it doing that? 13:04:28 I haven't started it yet sorry ... going to do that this afternoon... there were some minor tweaks missing and I have that now 13:04:31 like I needed sudo 13:04:41 ah, okay 13:04:48 sorry i misread your message 13:04:57 but I'll be asking you two to have a look at the data and all towards the end of this week or the beginning of the next 13:04:58 i was just curious how many days per day we can ingest 13:05:08 i'll be out then 13:05:08 ok 13:05:17 but can look at it the week after that 13:05:30 thanks 13:05:41 i still think ingesting all data has priority before status computation 13:05:53 but if you wanna do that in parallel fine with me, too 13:06:39 I'd like to try a few things 13:06:57 including having a smaller status and then doing a sort of materialised view to have the same stuff in a table later 13:06:59 sounds exciting! 13:07:13 yes it is! 13:08:35 anything else for this week? am I a blocker for anything or something that we should discuss? 13:09:26 i don't have anything else atm 13:10:47 nope 13:10:56 are we good with our gsoc stuff? 13:11:10 nothing from my side as well, will continue with development on nsa 13:11:14 we have two projects on the wiki and that's alright? 13:11:33 yep 13:11:54 and we might start to tag a few issue with the GSOC label 13:12:35 sounds good 13:12:56 +1 13:13:55 ooook! 13:14:19 @juga one thing sarthikg[m] mentioned to me is what kind of design patterns and code structure we would like to keep in NSA 13:14:33 I was wondering if you have been thinking about this already 13:15:03 hiro, sarthikg[m]: yes, i've been thinking about it, but still didn't decide 13:15:18 https://github.com/SeaQL/sea-orm/tree/master/examples/actix_example 13:15:47 ^ i'm currently seeing whether using ORM (sea-orm) would easy writing the api views 13:15:53 i'm not sure yet 13:16:14 I see 13:16:37 i can let you know if/when i've some clearer idea 13:17:20 Maybe we could document this in an issue 13:17:42 hiro: maybe i create a child issue for the details ans write it there? 13:17:50 or even better i think 13:18:01 i can comment it in the issue about reviewing endpoints 13:18:02 yeah it would be nice 13:18:07 or create a new one... 13:18:13 I think that would also help @sarthikg[m] getting started with the project 13:18:30 and understanding how he should structure the endpoints he needs for the website 13:19:00 ok, i'm going to write something on the issues/create new one then 13:19:11 thanks! 13:19:15 np 13:19:31 ooook, if we are all groot for this week we could end the meeting and continue talking async 13:19:56 * hiro is groot 13:20:08 me tooo! 13:20:14 +1 13:20:30 #endmeeting