13:02:16 <hiro> #startmeeting network-health 2025-02-17 13:02:16 <MeetBot> Meeting started Mon Feb 17 13:02:16 2025 UTC. The chair is hiro. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:02:16 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 13:03:48 <hiro> ggus is travelling and geko is out this week 13:03:55 <hiro> so it is going to be just the three of us 13:04:01 <hiro> anything you'd like to discuss? 13:04:22 <juga> i think i've some ideas on how to re-structure the nsa code, i'll add a comment later to the issue nsa#63 13:04:34 <hiro> thanks @juga 13:04:49 <juga> apart from that, just trying to progress on #62 too 13:05:19 <sarthikg[m]> nothing much from my side as well, will discuss with juga about a few things in rust 13:05:38 <hiro> oh great... let me know if you two can find time this week 13:05:42 <juga> sarthikg[m]: if it works for you, we can have a sync tomorrow 13:05:44 <hiro> or if is there anything I can helpwith 13:06:06 <juga> i'm not using the metrics DB much, so not blocked on that part 13:06:34 <hiro> I am at the point where I am going to try to copy over records from metricsdb-02 to -01 13:06:47 <sarthikg[m]> juga: works with me! 13:07:07 <juga> sarthikg[m]: great, let's say an hour later in the chat? 13:07:12 <juga> hiro: sounds exciting! 13:07:34 <hiro> yep setting this up w duckdb 13:07:47 <sarthikg[m]> juga: yeah! 13:08:33 <hiro> ooook if nothing else is on the table we could end the meeting 13:08:37 * hiro i s groot 13:08:41 * juga is too 13:09:09 <hiro> #endmeeting