17:29:48 #startmeeting tor browser 7/22 17:29:48 Meeting started Mon Jul 22 17:29:48 2019 UTC. The chair is pili. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:29:48 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 17:29:57 hi, who's around today? :) 17:30:04 o/ 17:30:09 hi 17:30:14 since GeKo is afk I'll be running today's meeting 17:30:34 * mcs is here 17:30:42 please add your updates to the pad as usual: https://storm.torproject.org/shared/jBmb1ogOoR1P-pmmfQhLCIuVK89qFm8Au62wKcGjEd2 17:31:44 hi! 17:31:47 I believe boklm and pospeselr are also afk 17:32:04 let's cross our fingers that there are no chemspill releases this week ;) 17:35:12 let's give a few more minutes for updates 17:35:35 so far it's just my bold item and one discussion point to talk about 17:37:26 ok, let's get started then 17:38:00 I was looking over the roadmap we put together in stockholm and I need some help identifying whether some of the items have tickets already 17:39:17 so the first item is "Switch meek uTLS" 17:39:29 is that #29430 ? 17:39:33 yes 17:39:40 good, easy one ;) 17:40:10 “rip out meek” is part of that ticket as well… dcf has patches there 17:40:25 I see your comment also about "Rip out meek", so let's move on to "Tor Button Migration" 17:40:35 is that #28745 ? 17:41:16 also #10760 17:41:47 ok, cool 17:42:13 I am not sure if all of #28745 is needed for 9.0 alpha (probably not?) 17:42:25 esr68-based alpha that is 17:42:36 mcs: right, I can double check that 17:42:44 I'll circle back if I need some help with it 17:42:54 then there's "Network settings in General settings" 17:43:32 I thought there was a ticket for that but I cannot find it right now. 17:43:52 ok, let's look for it later :) 17:44:27 "Toolbar button for New Identity" seems to be #27511 (I did a search and couldn't find it myself!) 17:45:11 and then for the "Tor Launcher for ESR68" I have #29197 and #30506 17:45:16 Any others? 17:46:06 Not that I know about so far (but we will open new tickets if we find problems with Tor Launcher in esr68). 17:46:08 30506 is not required for 9.0 alpha 17:47:10 ok, thanks for checking :) 17:47:35 so, if no one has any bold items we can move on to the discussion? 17:49:35 ok, let's move on then 17:50:04 GeKo marked some tickets that he thinks are blockers for the 9.0 nightly: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/query?status=!closed&keywords=~tbb-9.0-must-nightly&order=status 17:50:13 can anyone think of anything that is missing from that list? 17:52:07 the android issues look like they are accurate in that list 17:52:23 There is at least one patch that needs to be backported to esr68 still; https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1547519 17:52:38 But that might fall under #30322 or something 17:54:37 perhaps we also want #31065, it's just a pref flip that we need to avoid local network access from web content 17:54:57 What is our criteria? We may also want a fix for #31019 17:55:11 (disable Windows BITS update mechanism) 17:56:26 Geko mentioned about the linux toolchain being ready, but I'm not sure if that was just regarding switching over to the new branch 17:56:46 and catching up with the other platforms after the switch 17:56:47 does that make sense? :) 17:58:41 I am not sure what you are asking, but the toolchain tickets for all platforms are on the list already. 17:58:45 ok, well, if anyone thinks of any others, please tag them with the tbb-9.0-must-nightly keyword :) 17:59:18 mcs: that was in answer to your question about what the criteria would be to include as a 9.0 blocker 17:59:47 pili: ah, OK. In any case, I am sure we want all platforms as soon as possible :) 18:00:24 actually GeKo's exact words were: "think about whether we need to have additional tickets blocking our nightly releases" 18:01:01 anyway, that was all I had, I'll handover the mic to tjr now 18:01:16 Anyone recognize this error I'm getting? 18:01:33 I thought it might be good if I could build Tor Browser just in case of a chemspill but I'm not getting far... 18:02:46 Okay guess not 18:02:57 We can wrap up and if anyone knows anything they can ping me :) 18:03:14 tjr: I don’t recognize that error. Maybe bash thinks it is an interactive shell somehow when it is not? 18:04:46 I have seen the error, but now I don't remember what I did to fix it (but I think the error message was not very helpful) 18:06:02 o/ sorry, reading backlog. (just got home from stockholm) 18:06:45 hey sysrqb 18:06:46 any last minute discussion points or questions from anyone? :) 18:06:58 does everyone know what they should be working on this week? :) 18:07:28 yes. esr68 :) 18:07:42 :D 18:08:46 ok, let's leave it at that then 18:08:47 thanks everyone! 18:08:48 #endmeeting