18:31:09 #startmeeting Tor Browser Team Meeting, 25 November, 2019 18:31:09 Meeting started Mon Nov 25 18:31:09 2019 UTC. The chair is sysrqb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:31:09 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 18:31:17 okay, and we're starting 18:31:24 hello to all 18:31:25 o/ Hello everyone, happy monday 18:31:32 hi 18:31:50 hi everyone :) 18:31:50 hi 18:31:51 hola hola 18:32:09 hi everyone 18:33:40 o/ 18:33:41 i hope pospeselr feels better 18:33:46 * mcs is reading the pad at https://pad.riseup.net/p/TorBrowserTeamMeetingNotes-keep 18:34:07 flu + travel sounds bad 18:34:17 hi! 18:35:19 okay, mcs do you want to talk about the prep? 18:35:34 pref 18:35:41 err, yeah, that thing :) 18:35:44 thanks 18:35:53 or brade :) 18:36:00 so this is related to the discussion in #32418 18:36:30 for some users, having a way to disable updates is important. but we no longer provide such a switch 18:36:50 Mozilla remove the app.update.enabled pref from Firefox a while ago 18:37:02 s/remove/removed/ 18:37:39 I am not 100% sure, but for Mozilla I think that was a product management decision to avoid any chance people would stay on an old version of Firefox 18:37:58 Should we re-implement app.update.enabled? My leaning is “yes" 18:38:07 why? 18:38:36 oh, and do users have still ways to disable auto-updates? 18:38:53 *stil have 18:38:56 *still 18:38:58 I lean toward yes because there are some people who are doing their own sandboxing or are doing something else where the update check is a nuisance to them 18:39:21 app.update.auto = false will still disable application of an update (I think) 18:40:09 mcs, agreed that disabling updates is a valid use case for various niche cases, and that's exactly the thing that prefs are for 18:40:38 Also, Tor Browser is slightly worse than Firefox in this area because we also disable enterprise policies and there is a way to disable updates completely via that mechanism 18:40:56 I wanted to bring it up here so we can make a team decision :) 18:41:37 When I was running custom builds of Tor Browser (both for ARM dev and Namecoin dev) I found it useful to disable updates so that nothing unexpected would happen to my customizations if they got overwritten by an update somehow 18:41:52 Sandboxing also sounds like a valid use case 18:41:57 yes 18:42:23 the question is whether there are still means for those use-cases available or not 18:42:36 not applying updates still seems to work 18:43:09 (and if those means are enough or not) 18:43:43 Exactly what steps happen in the "apply" stage (which I guess can still be disabled) compared to the earlier stages? 18:43:44 how does tails do it? 18:43:46 however with app.update.auto, the update is still downloaded? 18:43:59 it seems tails is doing this: https://redmine.tails.boum.org/code/projects/tails/repository/revisions/e43247dd2558dd391342855796e18c3186a43807 18:45:03 from my point of view that should be enough 18:45:05 I think I read that app.update.disabledForTesting is only for QA builds, so it might not work 18:45:33 just point the update url to somewhere else and done 18:45:42 but clearning... 18:45:46 ^ 18:45:58 (also *clearing) 18:45:59 ? 18:46:02 that was my thought 18:46:03 I think app.update.url is hard to change now. But brade and I can confirm and add to the ticket 18:46:04 ah 18:46:07 changing app.update.url 18:46:37 that seems like an easy solution, if it works 18:47:17 if it doesn't work, then maybe we should think about re-implementing the pref 18:47:20 i feel we should not start with carrying a patcg with us forever for this usecase if we can avoid it 18:47:29 because we won't get that upstreamed 18:47:51 and disabling updates is a footgun etc. etc. 18:48:14 yeah. 18:48:15 GeKo: That is true. OK, we will see if we can document a different workaround; the Tails info might help (thanks boklm!) 18:48:49 mcs: while you are here: 18:48:58 could you put #32498 onto your review plate? 18:49:06 GeKo: sure 18:49:10 thanks 18:50:13 okay, acat, your bolded item was a question i was going to ask, as well 18:50:30 do you want to introduce it? 18:51:21 Sure. It seems https everywhere initialization when `WebAssembly` is enabled is slower than the other one, when JIT is disabled. There's the "unresponsive script" warning, and it also happens on Fennec. 18:52:11 I assume the JS glue code that is there for wasm but not for the "legacy" one is to blame, as that is still affected by JIT being disabled 18:52:59 So I'm not sure what should we do about it. Is enabling JIT for webextensions only feasible? 18:53:12 tjr: ^ 18:53:29 Or should we try to improve/investigate/report https everywhere perf. issues when jit is disabled? 18:53:44 i can try to take a look 18:53:57 probably be a similar situation to the webasm patch 18:54:56 thanks 18:56:19 it seems like we can start there 18:56:48 okay antonela 18:56:52 welcome back 18:56:59 glad to be here :) 18:57:05 :) 18:57:10 i see two items from you 18:57:25 yes, i unbolded the pospeselr one 18:57:28 so we have just two 18:57:37 so, re 21952 18:57:42 grr #21952 18:58:03 we want to offer visual feedback when the onion has been loaded; I made a micro animation that replaces the lock icon for the circular onion one 18:58:18 the question is: can we replace the lock for the onion? Do we want to keep the lock for anything like future certificates related stuff? 18:58:25 https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/attachment/ticket/30024/prompt-onion-2.gif 18:58:34 the gif is here ^^ 18:59:01 antonela, there do exist people using TLS in combination with onion services for extra security 18:59:08 yes, exactly 18:59:12 e.g. for Whonix-style use cases 18:59:42 so yeah, I think ideally we should preserve that info, though the ideal UX for doing so is certainly not something I'm qualified for commenting on :) 18:59:57 so, im thinking in something like https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/attachment/ticket/30025/O2A4.jpg 19:00:29 hrm. i'd be scared about replacing the lock with an onion 19:00:30 ye 19:00:41 can we not add the onion next to the lock? 19:00:49 we can, yes 19:00:55 and i think is the right thing to do 19:00:58 or, you don't thikn it looks as cool? 19:01:00 antonela: but isn't that already happening right now when we redirect from not onion to .onion? (except the animation) 19:01:03 ah. okay 19:01:23 acat, we dont have the animation yes 19:01:38 "Do we want to keep the lock for anything like future certificates related stuff?" 19:01:41 i think, yes 19:01:46 we should keep it for this 19:02:22 so, can we have the animation and keep the lock acat? i can try some mockups to see how it looks before you implement it 19:02:23 onion and lock show different properties of the connection 19:03:43 (note that those mockups have green onions and padlock which is something deprecated already in firefox) 19:04:06 antonela, I feel like the animation you have would be improved by slowing it down a bit. Right now it's quick enough that if my attention is focused elsewhere on the screen, it might not last long enough for me to notice it 19:04:22 yes, i also think it's difficult to notice 19:04:31 Maybe some other way to make it more attention-grabby would be useful too, e.g. flashing the background color a bit or something? 19:04:46 mmm could be 19:04:53 let's not get too crazy :) 19:04:58 is a good feedback, thank you! 19:05:25 ye, that needs to be subtle enough. I like firefox gradient animation on their shield (*__*) 19:06:04 another thing related with #21952 is `about:preferences`, are we ok having onion settings in the privacy&security tab? 19:06:11 but just to clarify, the only think that would be missing is to do the animation, the final icon would be the same as it is currently (.onion or .onion+lock), right? 19:06:20 or am i missing sth? 19:06:22 acat: yes! 19:06:27 good :) 19:07:28 `about:preferences#tor` seems like a good place for this 19:07:38 ah, hrm. 19:07:45 you said privacy 19:07:49 yes, we talked about it. Now #tor has network related settings 19:07:56 antonela: if we put them in Privacy & Security, we should rename the “Tor” category to “Tor Network” 19:08:04 +1 19:08:09 you right mcs 19:08:10 (I am not sure which is the better solution) 19:08:32 what do you think? should we move it under Tor and keep it as Tor? 19:08:43 ah ye, me either :) this is why i opened it here 19:09:18 i'm not sure this has privacy/security benefits, so that's why i was not so sure about that category 19:09:51 also, i wonder if would go under Privacy or under Security 19:10:26 i don't tihnk it's likes any of the other options on that page 19:10:41 of course, it's not like the network settings under Tor, either 19:11:39 but, maybe now we decide if the Tor preferences page should be tor-related preferences that do not fit on another page 19:11:50 or only Tor Network preferences 19:12:05 if we want to move it under Tor, we can rename Tor Settings as Tor Network Settings and have a new section called something close to Onion sites or Onion preferences or 19:12:35 anyways, please feel free to jump into that ticket and leave your throughs ! 19:12:40 i think i like that idea 19:12:47 okay, thanks anto! 19:13:07 oh, item #2 19:13:16 quick one, when is the next s27 meeting pili? 19:13:49 hmm, this week 19:13:50 I forgot to send the reminder 19:13:53 tjr: thanks for your review on #32324, i'm thinking what else we can do without opening a pop-up :) 19:13:59 so tomorrow (Tuesday) at 15UTC 19:14:03 pili, my calendar told me that, i just wanted to be sure :) 19:14:04 awesome! 19:14:05 thanks! 19:14:25 good. 19:14:28 let me send the reminder email ;)_ 19:15:10 okay, we have a release coming next week, so here is a reminder to complete patches and reviews as soon as possible 19:15:36 boklm: can you review #30786? i see emmapeel is looking at it, too 19:15:45 sysrqb: ok 19:15:59 acat: do you think #21952 will be complete by this week? 19:16:05 or do you need more time? 19:16:11 (based on what we discussed here) 19:16:20 and any remaining work 19:16:47 boklm: thanks 19:17:23 GeKo: can you review #32475 this week? 19:17:24 i think so, although i'm not completely sure about the current solution for the redirects, more specifically i'm using a "redirect flag" for the httpchannel which is supposed to be reserved (but not used by anyone i think) 19:17:43 sysrqb: yeah, i planned to do this tomorrow 19:17:48 thanks 19:17:54 (there were already some rounds) 19:18:10 yep, just wanted to make sure you saw the last comment 19:18:21 but from UX point of view and functionality, i think it can be ready, except the animation since i think anto wanted to do some mockups 19:18:36 acat: okay. i also wonder if we really want/need this in the next alpha 19:18:38 although i can try to do the animation in the current gif too 19:18:56 sysrqb: i don't think so 19:19:01 maybe this is one of those features that lands in nightly for a while 19:19:05 GeKo: okay 19:19:06 we should take the time to review it properly 19:19:16 yeah. okay, sounds good 19:19:16 and think about the way the feature should go 19:19:27 i mean there is still the question whether to use Onion-location or not 19:19:38 and it think we should settle that first before landing the final version 19:19:43 as the code will change 19:19:44 right 19:19:56 and we should not introduce half-baked things here 19:20:07 which we will change like a month later 19:20:15 i think adapting the implementation and use a different header should not be too dificult though 19:20:18 okay, i'm fine with that 19:20:24 sysrqb: so, i guess a good idea is that you are getting the discussion going 19:20:28 which you wanted to have 19:20:34 yes 19:20:36 while other folks are fixing things up 19:20:42 and we are reviewing things 19:20:54 hopefully this week or early next week, depending on time 19:20:55 acat: yeah, the final changes for that should not be that big 19:21:19 acat: we can work on the animation later, is not prior 19:21:48 GeKo: it looks like you're still debugging #32053 19:22:14 did you pass that back that back to LLVM devs? 19:22:49 s/that back that back/that back/ 19:23:39 acat: do you think you can review #32531? 19:24:00 sisbell: do you think you can write a patch for #32405? 19:24:14 sysrqb: yes and yes 19:24:33 yes that's super simple patch 19:25:10 great 19:25:20 sysrqb: i currently don't have another arrow in my quiver for nailing that bug immediately 19:25:35 so it won't be something for the next releases, alas 19:25:50 i kinda assumed that, at this point 19:26:55 okay, wednesday is another release meeting 19:27:37 i'll go over all the tickets again today/tomorrow, and look for any tickets we should get into 9.5a2 but we are currently missing 19:28:13 but i don't see any right now that need prioritising 19:28:36 i don't know if richard will be available for building this week/weekend 19:28:56 i'll follow up with him after the meeting 19:29:27 GeKo: wsa there anything else you wanted to discuss here/ 19:29:28 ? 19:29:33 nope 19:29:40 do we have tb release meeting this week too, can we bring those tickets by wednesday sysrqb? 19:29:52 antonela: yes, on Wednesday 19:30:00 sysrqb: great, thank you 19:30:27 okay, on that note, i guess i'll close this meeting 19:30:34 thanks everyone! have a good week! 19:30:39 wait 19:30:40 #endmeeting