13:59:33 #startmeeting Measurement Team meeting 13:59:33 Meeting started Wed Aug 5 13:59:33 2015 UTC. The chair is karsten. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:59:33 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 13:59:47 hello meeting people. who is here for the meeting? 14:00:28 * phw 14:00:38 hi phw :) 14:02:29 * karsten considers taking surveymonkey up on the offer to create a survey, which would be to find out what would make more people join us at these meetings. 14:03:37 okay, let's start, phw. 14:04:25 no need to stick to the originally planned agenda. how about: measurement roadmap, a 1-1-1 task you want me to do for you, misc? 14:04:28 i don't have an awful lot to report. 20 minutes ago, i started going over your latex document. 14:04:34 oh, great. 14:05:37 I guess we should talk about that via email then. 14:05:50 works for me. 14:05:54 is there anything you want me to review or comment on? 14:06:17 not now. 14:06:29 anything i can do for you? after i'm done with the document? 14:07:20 I might ask you to review a revised version of that document, but that won't be before the next meeting. 14:07:55 ok. 14:09:24 oh, do you parse large amounts of tor descriptors? 14:09:37 and if so, do you have resources for that available? 14:10:03 i parse large amounts occasionally, yes. so far, an SSD with a reasonably fast CPU seems good enough. 14:10:46 that would be the ssd and cpu in your laptop? 14:11:08 I'm just thinking if you might enjoy doing this on EC2. 14:11:48 also as a means to keep your laptop (or whichever device this is) healthy. 14:11:57 yes, i'm doing this on the laptop. i would happily take an EC2 instance, too. 14:12:07 ...as long as it doesn't cost us a lot of money. 14:13:00 well, you typically run these things for a day or two. 14:13:13 I think EC2 only gets expensive if you keep it running for weeks and months. 14:13:22 or if you push large amounts of bandwidth. 14:13:30 let me ask and get back to you via email. 14:13:31 hmm, that seems problematic. 14:13:40 the bandwidth part? 14:13:49 first, i would need to get all the descriptor archives on the machine, which takes up a lot of bandwidth. 14:14:38 second, i do my analyses on and off, with several days/weeks in between. considering that, using my laptop seems like less trouble. 14:15:05 so, looks like incoming traffic is free. 14:15:14 https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/pricing/ 14:15:38 and you can suspend instances easily, and then they don't cost much. (only the disk) 14:16:26 but I agree that we should be aware of the costs. 14:16:27 oh, i see. i'll consider it, then. thanks! 14:16:44 you could try it out and see how much it costs. 14:16:56 let me ask if we can get you an account. 14:17:05 I'll also ask for one for aagbsn. 14:17:19 who complained about laptop hotness a while ago. 14:17:34 okay, anything else we should discuss? 14:17:55 not from my side. 14:17:58 you're not a web designer/Bootstrap person by chance? 14:18:11 i've used bootstrap once, but far from being a web designer. 14:18:25 ok :) 14:18:49 I should find someone who considers themselves a web designer, rather than waste your time then. 14:19:33 okay, how about we meet again next week? I'll ask other folks in the team what would make these meetings more fun for them. 14:19:42 sounds good to me. 14:20:07 (I know that two other people would have joined, but they're both traveling.) 14:20:52 great! thanks for coming. let's talk more via email (roadmap, ec2). 14:21:05 #endmeeting