18:58:43 #startmeeting 18:58:43 Meeting started Fri Mar 18 18:58:43 2016 UTC. The chair is isabela. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:58:43 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 18:58:46 ok 18:58:49 hello isabela! 18:59:04 we said we would spend some time today organizing the content.. but before that is there any updates from folks? 18:59:32 I'll send stats data to karsten this wrekend 18:59:35 weekend* 18:59:48 for current website 19:00:13 thanks jagtalon for your work 19:00:40 great 19:00:44 snsehahn: no problem apologies for not including a CSV with the DOT file! 19:01:02 jagtalon: no worries on that 19:01:11 isa did some spreadsheet stuff which is a good starting point 19:01:19 any other updates? 19:01:30 that's today anyway ;) 19:01:33 isabela quick question: so we're not accepting design work anymore now that we're working with a group that will help us? 19:02:30 simply secure is providing design guideline. without design guideline it's almost impossible to make a decision on designs 19:02:37 they are not making the website mock, they are building design guideliens that will help who works on it 19:03:32 mrphs isabela oh alright thanks for the clarification! 19:03:33 yesterday we had the ux team meeting where this is being discussed and now we have a plan on the execution of this work (design guidelines) 19:03:36 https://storm.torproject.org/shared/wDNocDf1dHJtkE7E01iuJeqG-5FIhjw_2urn4RQESNL 19:03:43 you can follow up on that there 19:04:10 isabela: thank you will have a look into it 19:04:12 np! 19:04:14 alright 19:04:17 any other updates? 19:04:30 and you can join ux team as well, if you're interested. or just subscribe to the mailing list if you want to follow where things are going :) 19:04:37 jagtalon: ^ 19:04:39 indeed 19:04:48 we can move to the exercise thing :) 19:05:00 mrphs: totally interested :) 19:05:20 so I thought that we could finalize the audience list started here https://storm.torproject.org/shared/pZmg4IsSZZac7h6zn9PFEdrqiRx5zjRY8kTfjnVZnwo 19:05:26 give a color to each 19:05:42 and then just color the cells of the spreadsheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hoceLEYevlxbVu5z5g7mdCPoBuhv6e0xJ3bRPEYWv4A/edit#gid=0 19:05:53 sounds good? 19:07:48 * mrphs checks the urls 19:07:56 yeah sounds like the right way to do it 19:07:57 any colorblind people? 19:08:12 also lrts copy categories to the spreadsheet 19:08:20 let's* 19:08:40 we can list then under index columnn? 19:08:58 yep 19:09:29 done 19:09:43 so lets think about that list of audience 19:09:48 any changes to it? 19:11:05 anyone? 19:11:13 isabela: I'm thinking maybe another kind of user are "advocates" but not sure if that falls under donors or returning visitors 19:11:22 I wonder if relay operators should be separated 19:11:29 advocates - tshirts / swag / buttons /etc 19:12:07 I think maybe 'volunteers' for advocates, teachers, relay operators? 19:13:02 good call imo 19:13:11 also I wonder if we should change 'returning user' to 'user who needs help' 19:13:28 i moved audience to a new sheet 19:13:39 i like 'user who needs help' 19:13:52 'returning user' i thought was someone who wanted to learn more about tor 19:13:57 split devs and researchers? 19:14:02 'user who needs help' might be clearer 19:14:56 we should not be too granular because one page can server more.. we need to keep in mind the content we are classifying 19:15:01 we already have research.tpo and plan on having dev.tpo 19:15:08 ok 19:15:14 sounds good 19:15:15 rhats why i mention it 19:15:31 but Im cool with it together too 19:15:46 maybe is a good idea to split it, since we can also give tips for how to conduct ethical research on tor network etc 19:15:57 which is different info from what would be on dev. 19:16:19 dev is more dev projects, documentations, when and where the teams meets, their lists.. 19:16:31 labs maube too 19:16:36 lets color? 19:16:55 sorry for my spelling didnt make it home in time :( 19:17:02 hehe is fine 19:17:21 should we update the audience list first? 19:17:40 pleasre 19:19:13 I dont know about colors 19:19:14 :P 19:19:24 does that looks ok? 19:19:47 yeah ;) 19:19:52 its fine 19:20:07 ok 19:20:14 yeah it's just a legend so we dont get confused 19:20:15 should we start marking cells? 19:22:04 just for now to make it easier to remember the colors 19:22:55 so i created a bunch of dots, so we can mark them with dots instead of coloring the whole thing. 19:23:11 the reason i did this, is because some of the pages are for more than one group of audience 19:23:16 and we can identify them as well 19:23:32 dots? 19:23:42 see the 2nd sheet 19:23:48 gunner style :D 19:24:05 copy and pasting the dots does not works 19:24:08 becomes black 19:24:19 lrts just identify primary audience? 19:24:23 yes 19:24:29 and leave stuff white 19:24:38 that is truly multi-audience? 19:24:42 lets just color the cells and see what we identify as multiple audience 19:24:47 like frontpage maybe 19:24:48 yeah 19:24:58 laeve it white sounds ok for now 19:26:42 for instance "Projects" could be multiple audience 19:27:45 to me thats dev 19:28:18 yes 19:28:18 or a whole bunch of docs pages 19:28:34 I think is under dev 19:28:50 docs? how about users who are trying to read the docs? :) 19:28:58 is the project not necessary the promotion of the product but the project that makes the product 19:30:03 or "get involve" could be interesting for new users as well. 19:30:21 mrphs: we will have docs for users who needs help and technical docs like how to compile it or debug it etc for the dev audience 19:31:32 mrphs: sure but is about prioritization for the main audience 19:31:47 what is the prioritization of content you want to present to a new user? 19:32:00 how to get the prodcut and use it or how to become volunteer 19:32:30 well i mean this also gives us some idea on how to design the next website. right? 19:32:50 of course 19:33:06 specially for the main index page 19:33:14 i also think we can always refer to the notes from berlin dev meeting 19:33:17 thats where we want "new users" to also "get involve" 19:33:34 since this prioritization for new users was discussed a lot 19:39:56 are we happy? 19:40:28 I am still doing it 19:40:31 sorry 19:40:58 nice :) 19:41:01 ty! 19:41:16 yeah i just think this needs way more thinking 19:42:03 I think this is just for a rough idea 19:42:10 sounds good 19:42:17 we need to start somewhere 19:42:48 is also not as if we will just copy these pages into a website and ship it ;) 19:42:55 for instance 19:43:02 for sure 19:43:15 i put a comment if educational information related to download and instalation should be marked as yellow 19:43:30 and the new design can create download pages that has more education stuff going on 19:43:33 combine them 19:43:42 i think at some point i need to clone this and reorganize base on how my brain functions :D and think some more about it 19:43:51 sure 19:44:11 we said we would spend time on this meeting working on it and is almost 1hr of meeting 19:44:38 I'm really happy with the direction we're taking though. 19:44:39 isabela: I'm not sure where /about/jobs- would be placed in haha 19:44:40 so maybe we can set up a date where we get a final color coding thing and talk about what we can do after 19:44:43 as next step 19:45:07 jagtalon: yeah I am leaving all mroe 'institutional' stuff as white for now 19:45:12 *more 19:45:48 ah gotcha! 19:46:07 lets say we spend a week refining this - what can we do next ? 19:46:41 hopefully look at stats! 19:46:48 aha! 19:46:59 that would be cool indeed 19:47:13 yes! i agree 19:47:44 next week is good friday and my bday. I think I won't make it on a friday night. I will send an update before tho. 19:47:56 ! 19:48:04 alright :) and happy bday hehe 19:48:13 stats for birthday! could it get any better? :D 19:48:54 cool! so we can refine this over the week and catch up on things next Friday 19:49:21 ? 19:49:57 sounds great! 19:50:09 im not sure how much time i can spend on this refining during the week. but am about to catch a plane and can spend the whole flight on it :D 19:50:46 fun! 19:50:49 alright ending bot 19:50:52 #endmeeting