#debconf-hamburg Meeting

Meeting started by h01ger at 17:59:24 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. please say hi/wave/foo if you are here && collecting agenda items (h01ger, 18:02:05)
  2. general/misc status updates (h01ger, 18:09:36)
  3. content / talk schedule (h01ger, 18:15:58)
    1. we would like to have newbee sessions (maybe wed/thu/fri, maybe rather on sat or sun) - please shout if you want to (help) organize those (h01ger, 18:24:21)
    2. azeem will send out a cfp/registration reminder (h01ger, 18:27:22)
    3. AGREED: lets drop the 2nd room idea for now, and *if* there are "too" many good submissions, we will reavluate (h01ger, 18:38:17)
    4. AGREED: "start at 10, lunch 13-15, dinner 19:30" is what h01ger will ask the cantina if thats possible/desirable (h01ger, 18:43:36)
    5. AGREED: slot details still need to be sorted out, cfp said 20/45min slots (h01ger, 18:44:24)

  4. budget / sponsors (h01ger, 18:44:31)
    1. https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/de/2018/MiniDebConfHamburg/Budget (h01ger, 18:45:34)
    2. help welcome to turn https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/de/2018/MiniDebConfHamburg/Budget into a budget. the numbers are all there (h01ger, 18:45:58)

  5. video (h01ger, 18:49:04)
    1. a comment from the video team on the feasability of recording a 2nd room would be nice (h01ger, 18:52:13)

  6. visas (h01ger, 18:52:20)
    1. a 2nd room would need a computer to mount capture cards in, a pair of tripods, and someone to make new SDI cables, also audio gear and trained volunteers (h01ger, 19:02:21)
    2. it's doable, but it turns a leisurely minidebconf into a rushed almost-debconf (h01ger, 19:02:42)

  7. next meeting (h01ger, 19:03:50)
    1. AGREED: next meeting, thursday, april 26th, 2000 CEST/18 UTC (h01ger, 19:04:11)

  8. any other business (h01ger, 19:04:33)

Meeting ended at 19:06:32 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. h01ger (150)
  2. petn-randall (71)
  3. azeem (56)
  4. olasd (9)
  5. lamby (8)
  6. MeetBot (6)
  7. thkoch_ (1)

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