#debian-release Meeting

Meeting started by elbrus at 20:12:45 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Admin (elbrus, 20:12:52)
    1. Previous minutes: http://meetbot.debian.net/debian-release/2022/debian-release.2022-10-26-18.59.html (elbrus, 20:13:01)
    2. elbrus had an action to check if he can patch udd to special case b-d-i in case of only -doc as arch:all (elbrus, 20:13:12)
    3. <somebody> had an action to mention testing upgrade in the next bits (elbrus, 20:13:54)
    4. Sebastinas had an action to reply to the branch protection thread (elbrus, 20:14:05)

  2. Transitions & the freeze (elbrus, 20:15:08)
  3. current status of bookworm (elbrus, 20:26:26)
  4. current status of d-i (elbrus, 20:31:25)
  5. architectures (elbrus, 20:35:15)
    1. ACTION: : Sebastinas to check with DSA on the status of ppc64el (elbrus, 20:38:53)
    2. AGREED: : carry bullseye architectures for bookworm, assuming we accept the ppc64el second buildd installation situation (elbrus, 20:43:10)

  6. current status of d-i (elbrus, 20:44:19)
  7. AOB (elbrus, 20:53:57)
    1. AGREED: : out-of-sync age reduction from 60 to 30 days (elbrus, 21:02:04)
    2. ACTION: : elbrus to start point in the release notes on items mentioned in the meeting (elbrus, 21:06:08)

  8. Next meeting (elbrus, 21:07:21)
    1. Next meeting is 22 February at 19:00 UTC (import into your calendar via https://release.debian.org/release-calendar.ics) (elbrus, 21:07:32)

Meeting ended at 21:07:39 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. : Sebastinas to check with DSA on the status of ppc64el
  2. : elbrus to start point in the release notes on items mentioned in the meeting

Action items, by person

  1. elbrus
    1. : elbrus to start point in the release notes on items mentioned in the meeting
  2. Sebastinas
    1. : Sebastinas to check with DSA on the status of ppc64el

People present (lines said)

  1. elbrus (78)
  2. kibi (23)
  3. Sebastinas (20)
  4. ginggs (16)
  5. MeetBot (2)

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